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I was just reading a bit on ‘servant leadership’. The essence: ten most important characteristics of servant leaders are Listening, Empathy, Healing, Awareness, Persuasion, Conceptualization, Foresight, Stewardship, Commitment to the Growth of people, Building Community.

 The leader is first a servant of his people. He focusses on their needs, and not necessarily feelings. He does what is required for the people to be motivated, performing individuals.

Also, he is an individual of character, puts people first, is a skilled communicator, is a compassionate collaborator, uses foresight, is a systems thinker, and exercises moral authority.

 Some thoughts that come to me:

-Can a person be developed into becoming a servant-leader?

-Will he be less successful as a leader if he is not a servant-leader?

-Can he develop servant-leaders in his team?

-Will there be a question in his/her mind- who thinks about me?

-Will he be an effective performer if he’s to put people first?

-Foresight, conceptualization and vision will need able support of the people to see fruition. Are the people ready for this?

-How mature is the team to accept this concept and to reciprocate by being trustworthy, motivated and well performing?

-Will people be the priority or business?

After all he too is a human before being anything else.

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